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>> 9/03/2010

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Getting Ready

>> 4/07/2010

Cartoon School with Clipping Path photo

For the big school that is! As of this very moment, the little girl is taking her entrance examination for grade 1 at St. Therese Educational Private School, just a stone's throw away from our house which is the main reason we chose it despite the high tuition fee, many have attesting to the good curriculum and way of teaching there. We noticed the good facilities of the school too as we went there to inquire. The husband is more than excited than the little girl as he is the one who process the requirements and other pertinent documents needed and since I cannot take a leave from work, he is the one with the little girl right now. Nicco on the other hand is already enrolled in Nursery since last year from her Ate's previous school. He is also excited in going to school, he even tells us that that the teacher" allowed him to bring his toys to school. Oh my! he's used to having his toys with him around that's why. But he'll enjoy school for sure :)

Unwanted Hair

>> 4/06/2010

Us girls faces many physical changes as we grow up, during our teenage years is the most crucial stage as we get to experience the said transition during this time and we get to adapt with the necessary changes in order for us to understand ourselves more. From having your menstrual period to having that zits on your face plus added up is the unwanted hairs on our body, especially those armpit hairs which is very awful looking.

I remember stumbling upon this photo of the celebrity Jessica Alba few months ago while she was in Saturday's Art Of Elysium gala in Los Angeles with his hubby Cash Warren. Showing off her armpit being zoomed and few fine hairs seems to appear.

Being a celebrity, they should be wary enough to know and part of their everyday lives are the that cameras and paparazzi taking a snap on them. And I believe that part of our personal hygiene is to get rid of those unwanted hairs by plucking or even getting some permanent hair removal through laser if we have the budget which I think is more convenient and more neat as it won't re grow again having that smooth and hair free armpits. Saves you from embarrassment right?!

Manic Monday # 206

What are you grateful for today?

~ I am very grateful for all the blessings that God has bestowed upon me, for online tasks that really helps us financial wise. Good health for me and my family.

What's missing in your life?

~ Having my own family makes me complete, I don't think there's anything missing in my life.

Has the conflict and harm religion has caused outweighed the good it has produced?

~Faith in God will always rule over conflict and harm.

Fleet Program

>> 4/05/2010

Convenience at work environment is very essential in order to perform a certain task or operation smoothly and in a jiffy. There are many ways and means that a company may take to make things more beneficial not just on the company but to their employees as well. This is a good program that a lot of job seekers look for, having perks out of their hard work.

If a company engages in offering services and got some mobile employees, it is indeed a wise decision to get a Fleet Program that will be very helpful for both parties. Offering vehicle reimbursement for mobile employees helps out to properly allocate the necessary expenses through the accurate program. A lot of advantages comes through it and having it implemented will definitely improved not just your workforce sector but also the financial standing of your business as it deeply look into the matter of the beneficial factor that you will get as your company utilize the savings that you will get from it. During this economic condition of ours, we must be able to weigh things intelligently in order for us to make necessary decisions with this kind of programs that seems to be very more cost effective as to financial condition.

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Friday Fillins #170

>> 4/02/2010

Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! we go!

1. All you need is Faith and everything will turn out fine.
2.Kid's antics fills me with laughter.
3. Each generation, as it grows up, produces innovation.
4Math. is something I have a hard time dealing with.
5. A trip to boracay is what I need.
6. Finish everything and you get back.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on pending PB, tomorrow my plans include rest and Sunday, I want to attend mass!

12 Ways to Make Holy Week Holy

>> 4/01/2010

Before we go off to our yearly Visita Iglesia, would like to share this nice ways on how to keep and give time to reflect on God's love this holy week. A little time won't hurt and let's keep in our minds to thank God always for all the blessings he bestowed upon us.

1. PRAY Incorporate prayer breaks into your daily schedule. Pray short ejaculations throughout the day.

2. FAST Eat smaller portions of food for meals or eat food without salt or pepper this week.

3. REPENT Go to Confession.

4. ADORE Spend time with the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration this week, even if you only have 15 minutes.

5. PRAY the rosary slowly, contemplatively, meditating on the sorrowful mysteries.

6. ATTEND all of the Triduum liturgies.

7. PRAY the Stations of the Cross.

8. MEDITATE on Christ's Passion daily as you read the various accounts of the Passion in the Gospels.

9. SACRIFICE Offer up any pain or difficulties you are experiencing and unite them with Christ's sufferings.

10. INVITE family members, friends, neighbors, or co-workers to come to Church with you, especially those who have been away from the faith for some time.

11. GIVE of yourself -- your time, talent, and treasure-- to assist your parish in a special way this Easter.

12. REACH OUT to someone who is hurting or suffering. Pray with them, listen to them, and console them.

Source: {HERE}

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