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>> 9/03/2010
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This blog is all about my life. my husband. my kids-Gabby and Nicco. my work. happy moments. heartaches. friends. thoughts that wants to pop out my mind will be express here!
You can now find this blog here:
For the big school that is! As of this very moment, the little girl is taking her entrance examination for grade 1 at St. Therese Educational Private School, just a stone's throw away from our house which is the main reason we chose it despite the high tuition fee, many have attesting to the good curriculum and way of teaching there. We noticed the good facilities of the school too as we went there to inquire. The husband is more than excited than the little girl as he is the one who process the requirements and other pertinent documents needed and since I cannot take a leave from work, he is the one with the little girl right now. Nicco on the other hand is already enrolled in Nursery since last year from her Ate's previous school. He is also excited in going to school, he even tells us that that the teacher" allowed him to bring his toys to school. Oh my! he's used to having his toys with him around that's why. But he'll enjoy school for sure :)
Us girls faces many physical changes as we grow up, during our teenage years is the most crucial stage as we get to experience the said transition during this time and we get to adapt with the necessary changes in order for us to understand ourselves more. From having your menstrual period to having that zits on your face plus added up is the unwanted hairs on our body, especially those armpit hairs which is very awful looking.
I remember stumbling upon this photo of the celebrity Jessica Alba few months ago while she was in Saturday's Art Of Elysium gala in Los Angeles with his hubby Cash Warren. Showing off her armpit being zoomed and few fine hairs seems to appear.
Being a celebrity, they should be wary enough to know and part of their everyday lives are the that cameras and paparazzi taking a snap on them. And I believe that part of our personal hygiene is to get rid of those unwanted hairs by plucking or even getting some permanent hair removal through laser if we have the budget which I think is more convenient and more neat as it won't re grow again having that smooth and hair free armpits. Saves you from embarrassment right?!
What are you grateful for today?
~ I am very grateful for all the blessings that God has bestowed upon me, for online tasks that really helps us financial wise. Good health for me and my family.
What's missing in your life?
~ Having my own family makes me complete, I don't think there's anything missing in my life.
Has the conflict and harm religion has caused outweighed the good it has produced?
~Faith in God will always rule over conflict and harm.
Convenience at work environment is very essential in order to perform a certain task or operation smoothly and in a jiffy. There are many ways and means that a company may take to make things more beneficial not just on the company but to their employees as well. This is a good program that a lot of job seekers look for, having perks out of their hard work.
If a company engages in offering services and got some mobile employees, it is indeed a wise decision to get a Fleet Program that will be very helpful for both parties. Offering vehicle reimbursement for mobile employees helps out to properly allocate the necessary expenses through the accurate program. A lot of advantages comes through it and having it implemented will definitely improved not just your workforce sector but also the financial standing of your business as it deeply look into the matter of the beneficial factor that you will get as your company utilize the savings that you will get from it. During this economic condition of ours, we must be able to weigh things intelligently in order for us to make necessary decisions with this kind of programs that seems to be very more cost effective as to financial condition.
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Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! we go!
1. All you need is Faith and everything will turn out fine.
2.Kid's antics fills me with laughter.
3. Each generation, as it grows up, produces innovation.
4Math. is something I have a hard time dealing with.
5. A trip to boracay is what I need.
6. Finish everything and you get back.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on pending PB, tomorrow my plans include rest and Sunday, I want to attend mass!
Before we go off to our yearly Visita Iglesia, would like to share this nice ways on how to keep and give time to reflect on God's love this holy week. A little time won't hurt and let's keep in our minds to thank God always for all the blessings he bestowed upon us.
1. PRAY Incorporate prayer breaks into your daily schedule. Pray short ejaculations throughout the day.
2. FAST Eat smaller portions of food for meals or eat food without salt or pepper this week.
3. REPENT Go to Confession.
4. ADORE Spend time with the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration this week, even if you only have 15 minutes.
5. PRAY the rosary slowly, contemplatively, meditating on the sorrowful mysteries.
6. ATTEND all of the Triduum liturgies.
7. PRAY the Stations of the Cross.
8. MEDITATE on Christ's Passion daily as you read the various accounts of the Passion in the Gospels.
9. SACRIFICE Offer up any pain or difficulties you are experiencing and unite them with Christ's sufferings.
10. INVITE family members, friends, neighbors, or co-workers to come to Church with you, especially those who have been away from the faith for some time.
11. GIVE of yourself -- your time, talent, and treasure-- to assist your parish in a special way this Easter.
12. REACH OUT to someone who is hurting or suffering. Pray with them, listen to them, and console them.
Source: {HERE}
How do you feel about couples that share an email address?
~ Well, if it's both agreed upon I don't see anything wrong. For DH and I, we both have separate accounts.
How open about your life are you in the various online arenas?
~ I get to share happy and sad moments of my life, random thoughts, view and personal opinions about certain things, I don't want to be negative as much as possible.
On average, how many hours a week do you spend online? Do you think it's too much?
~ It depends, since I am almost online 8 hrs.a day @ work and at least 3-4 hours after at home. Just do the math. Lol!
Busy days…
We have spent…
With our crayons and pencils…
Drawing objects, counting numbers…
read and write our ABC’s…
We can write our names… spell it out loud and clear…
We can sing songs of love, to our baby Jesus dear.
Dearest Papa… and Mama… We are thank you sincerely…
here in our Esperanza Learning Center….
we are as happy can be
And we bid say goodbye to our loving teachers now…
Certificate on our hands…
On our graduation we vow……..
Thank God it's Friday! it means less stress for me as I can go and stay up late tonight without worries of getting cranky the next day as I can have the reason to extend my sleep because I don't have to go to the office. lol! though my weekend will also be filled with household activities as we're not yet done cleaning our room and the kids room. It's really hard organizing and sorting kids things since mostly are toys and other knick-knacks I couldn't throw away as they will still play with it even its broken. lol We'll see if we could find time and go to our parent's place in Sampaloc. As for today there are things I need to finish here at the office:
How did you decide to live where you do?
~ DH and I talked about it. Since we used to live apart, I think it is impossible to build a strong family foundation with the kind of set up and glad we did as we are now on the way on making thing get realized.
Do you like risks, or do you avoid them? What major risks have you taken in your life?
~I take risks if I feel it's beneficial at some point. The risk of blindly embracing to be with DH at the start of our relationship and not give up despite many major problems along the way. glad that everything now is smooth sailing. :)
If you had to choose, which could you live without: TV, the internet, a telephone or friends?
~The TV. Internet is amazing that I can watch movies and TV shows plus I can connect with friends with it! :)
Working on 5 days a week, logging in on the net to check out and update with my bogging needs and tasks plus and two kids needing our full attention and endless household chores really keeps my hands full that whenever I get the chance to have a free time, I spend it all through sleeping! Oh yes, sleeping is one way for me to catch up on lost energy during the busy days. Sometimes, I get the chance to kill time by browsing the net and read about my one favorite past time which is to get updates on celebrity news and entertainment.
1. I am so looking forward to staying up late tonight?
2. hope to finish a lot of tasks later.
3. When you get all the things that you wished for, be thankful.
4. Family is a big part of my life.
5. If you need anything, just tell me! I'd be glad to help.
6. enjoy a trip.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finish at least one PB, tomorrow my plans include laundry, what else? lol and Sunday, I want to go to my parent's place!
Our kids are now growing really fast and it's time for us think of our future, we really can't tell what would happen but we can do something and be prepare for any possibilities that may arise, be it bad or good. We need to make sure that financially wise, we could get something out of our pocket when needed. And one sure way to attain such need. A proper investment is one factor to consider, sure enough working is probably the most used reasoning for us to get money and save. But we need to explore other possibilities in investment like the need buy gold bullion. As it has been known to be the greatest and most popular way. Gold prices now are benefiting from the weakness of the dollar. You check can check out the to get a hang of how things work around when it comes to gold.
Read more...once again just hit me now... I woke up with a terrible headache, wishing and wanting to just stay home and sleep around till noon but I just can't. Kids are up and Gabby have exams for today, Need to go to the office and my packed lunch isn't interesting to eat. I know things will be the same again at the office.. same old routine, tasks... computer... customers...suppliers... some things I no longer enjoy doing... I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, must be thankful and grateful and I honestly do BUT I just can't help it but feel this way... I wanted to see things in positive way but the wail of negativity is taking its toll on me today.... I feel low, so damn low.... But I am still hoping, I will be ok... everything will turn out fine... I hope it's just one of those blues that will soon go away...
Read more...Now that summer is officially here, summer activity officially starts to kick in too. By this time I know that a lot of you have the plans already to keep your kids busy either by enrolling them into summer classes or activity workshops, some on sports play. Since summer means no classes, there will be lots of time for family gatherings and reunions too beating the summer heat of the sun.
If you don't want to enroll your kids to summer activities but is having your very own idea on what activity you can let them engage in, you can search the net and find unique and more fun idea activities. Since kids are more physical, a sport activity would be a great idea. We know how kids never gets tired of running around while they play and you can try out soccer for them. There's this portable Soccer Goals that you can buy over at where you can put up right inside your yard. They have $20 flat rate shipping. Fits in when you want a family bonding moments, this will keep kids busy while the older ones can do their thing too altogether. Since it is portable you can typically bring it everywhere just make sure there is enough space for kids to play around.
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I was doing my usual online works yesterday when this popped up on the page I was trying to access..
Access Denied (license_expired)
A license has expired on the Proxy, and your request is not permitted: "The SGOS license has expired" A new license must be obtained.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
Now that we are in the world of internet, most of the kids are now hooked with online games. Many of them no longer play physical games, hence the increase in child obesity. They tend to spend long hours in front of the computer than going around running and actively playing and getting your kids into sports is a good outlet to keep them in good shape. There are many benefits that kids can gain from playing sports than sulking themselves from that one corner of our home. Health wise, sports is a very good form of exercise, it also helps in developing their motor skills, a quick and better judgment are being sharpen too, mingling with other kids helps them to develop good social ability as they can well adapt to other kids and deal with them.
Playing baseball is one great sports. It is also mostly part of the schools P.E games. They even require to bring some Baseball Equipment when they have a tournament. And if you'll be needing one for you kids, you can find a great place where you could get a deal of them at as they carry a wide variety of baseball paraphernalia including nice and cool baseball jersey at a very affordable prices. They even have nice gift ideas that you can give as a gift to your baseball fanatics little ones or friends.
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One of the many perks technology has to offer is the the breakthrough of modernized equipments in terms with the medical industry, thank goodness that during this time things can be done in very convenient ways, here goes the digital age as they say. Before at about ten year ago I think, a simple surgery would take about long hours of performance done in clinics and hospitals. Leaving a patient with worries and prayers that it would turn out to be a successful one. Nowadays, there are surgeries that won't require a patient to undergo a knife anymore, just a few hours and to some lucky ones, a few minutes is enough and off you go as if nothing terribly happened to you.
Just like undergoing in a Laser Eye Surgery Boston wherein it would only take a few minutes of your time and you don't need to be confined in the hospital anymore for recuperation. All that inconvenience of you wearing that eyeglasses for years will be erased at an instant with the breakthrough of iLasik for those have blurry vision and needs to be corrected and off you go with a 20/20 vision that you have long been dreaming to restore for years now.
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According to -
And ....................................................
Since some changes took place at the office last month, I have done updating all my lists of to do's at my workplace. I always try to keep myself busy as I am again starting to feel/ get bored with the monotony of work I do. Part of the changes that took place is our company incurring an Auto Allowance program for the mobile employees, like the ones being offered by CRS, which offers favorable results for the employers and employees too. We now have two motorized technicians that usually goes out everyday to do some errands like pull-out of defective unit for repair, doing the collections to our customers and picking up orders from the suppliers. One of them had already been given a motor vehicle as his service unit, the other one is as bout to be given to in a few weeks time.
having a mobile employee is one way for the company to have a fast pace turn around that gives a more better and fast results and positive customer satisfaction feedback. Things are now more easy to do and a better communication is build up as work itself is concerned. By giving the employees such allowance program, they are in return inspired to work as ease and comfort has taken on their work.
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One of the many important factor to consider when handling financial issues to always keep a good record track of your deal towards financial activities. Always bear in mind to keep yourself from making unnecessary expense that will in the end create a big problem on your part. Discipline and goal focus must be clearly set to attain that financial freedom you wanted to experience. Live within your means is somewhat a great and proven way to at least keep yourself off from dealing with a Collection Agency once you start to experience financial woes and can no longer deal with your potential business partners.
Many people has this negative connotation when dealing with debts, they tend to keep it off to themselves and won't seek professional help as they think it is very embarrassing situation. I guess, an important thing to do once you suffer from financial woes is to get to the root of the problem and resolve it by intelligently arriving at wise decision no mater what it takes and even seeking professional help like of those with the American Profit Recovery is a part of that wise decision as they provide you with the necessary solutions with debt problem, they are fully equipped with some necessary program that enhances how you could recover from bad debts.
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I remember I just did went out the office and the temperature is at the highest point. Later had I known that I no longer have voice coming out when I speak and open my mouth.
Tired of the strenuous exercise and taking up of diet pills and still no improvement on yourself seems noticeable?! As they always say, if you want to attain something then you should exert effort to attain a certain goal. Nothing easy peasy can be attain at an instant. First thing to do is find out what would fit your personality, you can solicit advise from the experts like your doctor perhaps and discuss with him what you want to happen health wise. Or you could try out Yoga and Pilates. It has been said that this form of exercise is healthy not just physically but in other aspect of your life as well like mentally and emotionally.
They help out in developing your body in a very graceful manner without making your muscles look so bulky. Both can incorporate an intensive and well disciplined manner into your personality. Thus, giving you a more fresh out look in life and living. You can try out enrolling in Yoga Boston, as they are known as the first Pilates studio in Boston offering a very effective and development in physical exercises, they also have the special training package for Gyrotonic that you can get and avail of discounts. Their instructors are also well known fitness experts and they are fully equipped with state of the art equipment and an up to date instructions of the program.
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And it's my favorite day of the week again. Thank God it's Friday! My daughter Gabby has resumed their classes yesterday and she truly missed her teachers and classmates. There are too many reminders written on her assignment notebook since the one week no classes because of the fire that hit their school. Today is their regular classes btw. and as for me there are things I need to accomplish for the day..
Moving has always been stressful, be it in a relationship or relocating from one place to another. lol! but seriously speaking, these two scenarios have at least the very same purpose that meets at the end and that is to find the right place and the right people around you and start to live again for a better and more fulfilling life right?!
But the latter keeps you not just emotionally tired but also physically exhausted, as it's not easy dealing with the never ending packing and sorting out of your precious valuables. Just like in any relationship, you need to think intelligently and be practical, find ways and means on how to be able to arrive at a more organized way of relocating from one place to another for that very much needed move. You need to hire the services of a well reliable and credible Boston Moving Company, that will help and keep your move as fast and as conveniently as you wished for. They got a very good customer service as they are committed to what their company mission and that is to deliver a stress free move. They will take care from packing up to the final processing which is to safely deliver all your things to your new place. They even offer free in home estimate to ensure the accuracy and every details with your move. They not just cater to a certain place but internationally as well.
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It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing.
You may never know what results come from you action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.
– Gandhi
Last year was not a good year for many businesses, not just here in our country but all over the world as global financial crisis has taken its toll and a lot of companies got affected. Even the ones that we all thought are secured enough were not spared, the closure of multinational companies resulted to a massive lose of jobs in the industry. Of course one problem that many business will face is dealing with Collection Agencies as financial aspect of the company will be the first to suffer here. But there are some agencies like the APR who provides a well planned and just solutions for their needs. They offer early intervention, Flat-Fee Tier 1 Receivables Solution, customer driven technology that is 24/7 accessible, dedication and professionalism of their people and their commitment to customer service. They will help you work things out in resolving your accounts receivables and not just collect. In return, your company can slowly catch up on losses. Dealing with such agencies often connotes a negative impression, but if you'll look deeper and would pay enough importance on how things work, you would know that there is nothing to loose but in return gave a favorable results to all your company debt problems.
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A careful study and planning helps a lot when you decide to move out and transfer to another place or location. An impulsive decision will only create confusion and will probably make you more stressed out.
Were you considered popular in high school? Why or why not?
~ Nope. I'm the typical shy type person who hates the limelight. lol
How old are you in your dreams?
~ 20! So young and vibrant with high hopes. :)
Did you ever run away from home? Why or why not?
~ It never crossed my mind. I don't escape problems I always face them...
How really time flies so fast we are now on the third month of the year. Many things had happened that I really couldn't update this blog of mine that much. Wednesday last week, Gabby's school was caught on fire and so DH went to their school yesterday to follow up the status of their class he noticed that the construction is on going now, he was informed by the teacher that classes will probably starts tomorrow and their summative exam is canceled as they will proceed to their 4th grading final exam by next week. This week will gonna be their review week. February ended not so great as the magnitude of 8.8 earthquake in Chile claimed many lives and properties once again. Yesterday, there was a Tsunami alert on Pacific Rim and that includes some of our nearby localities near the coastal areas, thank God it didn't happened and hope it won't happen anytime again. May God keep us always safe and away from harm in the coming days...
Read more...One of the very important moment in a person's life is all about his/her wedding. So goes all the long time preparations when getting married. Indeed a couple's vow is worthy enough of the efforts of the preparations. Some do splurge on it as they believe that its just a one time celebration so they got to make it big enough and so goes the grand weddings. Others were just contented on simple ones like an intimate celebration with less people and mostly relatives and close friends invites. The place is another issue, Church wedding, Garden, and some even wanted a beach and destination weddings, like the ones being offered at Karisma, they offered wedding packages that are enough treasure to remember, a well planned event with many grandiose effect that makes your wedding a very special day.
Read more...Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
![]() You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convincing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary. You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
We get to experience being at the lowest point in our life. During these trying times, our minds sometimes fails to work properly, as we are somewhat blinded by emotions wallowing us that we tend to do things on irrational ways. Some people do take refuge on taking illegal drugs, thinking that they can escape problems that they are going through, thinking only of themselves and closing their doors t other possibilities of solving their problem.
We've heard enough horror stories everywhere, from the simplest person to celebrity ones involved and being hooked up on these at one point or another. Many have seek refuge at Passages Malibu, where they take a holistic approach to total recovery from alcohol and drug dependency. Nothing's too late when you want to change for the better.
Since some do just go in and out with some rehab as if it was just like a department store wherein they can go in if they want to and go out once they thought they are done but not getting any good treatment. Just a waste of time and effort on both parties. But at Passages Malibu is different because it's not the typical ones as their treatment is more of an intense approach where you could really feel that a healthy change would take place from you, that you can live a healthy lifestyle once more when you go outside the real world again. You can go over at your friendster and check out their Passages Malibu blog to find out more about them.
I was done resizing tons of photos from Gabby's field trip last Thursday. I was up as early as 4 a.m to prepare our things. I woke up the little girl around 5 a.m for an early breakfast and bath time. We were at the school just in time for the assembly at exactly 6 a.m. the departure is 7 a.m.
Photo overload
Our first stop was at the Kids Power in Roxas Blvd.
Second was at the Bio Research in Paranaque, we arrived there at around 10 a.m and had our lunch there, we were given free fishes and we bought an aquarium for only 120 pesos:
Third stop was at Gardenia in Laguna, we were not allowed to take photos inside the plant were processing of making bread takes place.
Fourth and last pit was at EK in Sta. Rosa Laguna, we arrived there at around 3:00 p.m, Gabby was really excited and so I am as it was our first time to be there. As usual, Gabby had a blast there and she wasn't really scared with the rides, she even insisted on riding the space shuttle. oh my! LOL.
Did you noticed how she had her signature pose in all of the shots? LOL. We stayed there up until 6 p.m, but we went to the bus around 6:30 pm as we did buy some souvenirs and pasalubong for DH and Nicco who were excitedly waiting for us back home. We left the EK around 7 p.m and we did sleep while we were on our way back home, The teacher woke me up and the little girl and told us that we were already at the school. I was really surprised because our travel time from EK to Mandaluyong is only 1 hour. We arrived home at around past 8 pm. Safe and sound. It was indeed a learning and enjoyable experience...
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